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Gogama, Ontario - ServicesGogama Local Services Board Telephone : 705-894-2555 Website: Gogama Local Services Board Hours of Operations:Monday to Friday--9 AM to 12 noon Mandate : The Gogama Local Services Board (GLSB) is comprised of five publicly elected members and a Secretary/Treasurer. The board is responsible for Water, Sewer, Fire Protection, Garbage Collection, Street or Area Lighting, Recreation and Library services. These services are provided on a pay for service system by means of applying user fees for the individual services. Telephone : 705-894-2030 Mandate : First established in 1978, the Gogama Volunteer Fire Protection Team (G.V.F.P.T.) is a volunteer based organization that provides fire protection sevices within the administrative boundaries of the Gogama Local Services board. For fire emergencies call: 1-888-571-3473 Our police force consists of a detachment of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) based in South Porcupine. They are responsible for providing law enforcement services to the surrounding area . The OPP can be contacted by telephone at 1-888-310-1122 The Gogama area emergency ambulance service is staffed by trained personnel and can be contacted by telephone at 1-877-351-2345 The GNS is a sattelite primary care facility sponsored by the "Centre de Santé Communautaire de Sudbury". It is situated in the Gogama Community Center complex. It has a full time nurse practitioner specializing in primary care. Presently, local physicians visit the nursing station to offer extended medical care on an as needed basis. The nursing station's operating hours are from Mondays to Thursdays between 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. The telephone number at the station is 705-894-2005. The local roads board is comprised of three publically elected persons whose duties include the overseeing and maintenance of town streets/roads and signs. A road tax based on property assessment is also levied on all property owners within the administrative boundaries of the Gogama Local Roads Board to pay for services provided. Hours of Operations: Evenings from7:00p.m. to 9p.m.- Monday to Friday The Gogama Community Library is a non-profit organization, operated by volunteers to encourage reading in the area. It offers a wide selection of reading material for young and old alike: books and videos (fiction and non-fiction) in English, French, Polish and Spanish. This library also provides photocopying, faxing and inter loan services. As Well, it hosts a Community Access Point (CAP) that provides free public use of a computer and free access to the Internet. These services are accessible seven days a week during regular library hours: evenings (Mon-Fri) and afternoons (Sat-Sun). During the summer the Cap services are also available Monday to Friday Evenings 7pm - 9pm
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FedNor| The Venture Centre| NEOnet| Industry Canada - Community Access Program| Resourcentral| Government of Ontario | Government of Canada |
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Ministry of Natural Resources| Ontario Provincial Police| Ministry of Transportation Ontario| Canada Post |